Monday 9 August 2010

About me

As I mention on the sidebar of the blog, my name is Rachel and I was a tourism student last year. I got tired of studying for teachers and not for myself, thus the year of working and doing mostly everything: I wanted to know more by doing it. Nowadays I study Japanese and I have taken a break of Russian. I know Spanish and English and one day I shall know more and more languages, to be understood everywhere and not being wrongly translated by no one.

My relationship with anime came first than my relationship with manga. I always loved cartoons, from the Disney stories to the television ones: I loved to sat in front of the TV and just admire that wonderful world of cartoons. On my block, my mom was one of the few to had cable and I would love to watch the channels for kids, especially Cartoon Network (at the time entirely in english) and Locomotion, a Brazilian translated channel with a more adult programming where in depth animes batteled in my mind with the Tom and Jerry episodes from Cartoon Network. The thing was, there were not many kids to talk about the awsome series that I started to see at a young age on television. I remember Evangelion, Saber J, Nightwalker, Silent Mobious and later on Sakura Diaries, I always loved the artwork of anime and I wished to draw as nicely as they were shown on the screen. Finally, the television chanel SIC started to air Marmalade boy and I still remember videotaping it since it was on a very early scheddual and I had to go to school. I believe it was then that I fell in love with shoujo. I never forgot the love of those two characters and I still have a great connection with that special manga and anime.

From that moment onward I never stopped seeing animes and reading manga, I got completely attached to the Japanese artwork and culture. In spite of that I am quite aware of the difference between the animes and the reality in Japan, thus never wanted to live in a society like that. I love to enjoy the world and life, to be happy and to embrace my dreams and society like Japan would never have the same thought as I do, since they are too demanding on everyone that live there. I used to read many of my mangas online and it has been only recently that I started to buy them (got a job!).

I would really like to have a great shelf of mangas alongside with my photography books, these are my two passions and I believe one day I shall combine them both!

1 comment:

Frank Santos said...

Hi! Yves here from ShoujoSavvy. Thanks for posting a comment on my site. It's nice to hear from other bloggers from the same neighborhood! 8)

Actually putting a comment already placed a link of yours on my site (clickable name, there). I would be glad to link to you in a future review or blog post, just lemme find an excuse. xD